February 2025

Blanket Upzoning of Residential Lots

The City plans to amend the Land Use Bylaw to change the zoning for low density residential housing to allow up to 8 (& sometimes 10) dwelling units on a 50 foot wide lot (4 main units and 4 secondary suites).  This will apply to all properties in the city.  The public hearing to amend the Land Use Bylaw will be held on April 22, 2024.

One of the main differences between these designations is that RC-1 and RC-2 have a maximum of 45% lot coverage and maximum height of 10 metres while R-CG allows for 60% lot coverage and a height of 11 metres.  Proponents believe this will be beneficial as it will increase density and housing supply.  However, this is a major and controversial change to existing planning policies which call for increasing density at activity nodes and corridors.  A building with greater lot coverage and height could overshadow and reduce privacy for adjacent homes.  It also can reduce the urban tree canopy and create a higher amount of impervious surfaces increasing storm water runoff.  Another concern is the storage of garbage, compost, and recycling bins which totals 3 bins per unit or 24 bins per property.  There is also concern with lack of on-site parking.  The current regulations do not require parking for secondary suites and for the main dwelling units the requirement is 0.5 stalls per unit (2 stalls for 8 dwelling units).  One of the recommendations of the Housing and Affordability Task Force adopted by Council in September is to eliminate all minimum parking requirements for residential developments.  A public hearing has not been set for this recommendation.

The City is holding numerous on-line and in-person information sessions throughout February.  For more information, see the City of Calgary website.

South Shaganappi Local Area Plan

The Local Area Plan engagement process is well underway.  More information can be found on the City’s website at  If you would like to be on an email list to receive timely updates about the LAP or other planning matters, please send me your name, email, and address.

Playground Review Subcommittee

Thanks to everyone who has volunteered for this committee.  We will be reviewing the existing playgrounds in Varsity and establishing a list of priorities.  Please email me with any concerns you have about playgrounds in the community.

University Innovation Quarter (formerly University Research Park)

The University Innovation Quarter is a 76 acre site north of 32 Avenue, south of Crowchild Trail, and east of 37 Street.  Planning for redevelopment of this site is underway and public engagement sessions will be held.  Go to for more information and sign up for their updates.

For information regarding the Civic Affairs Committee, please contact JoAnne Atkins, Director of Civic Affairs, at